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Gimmie Jo Jansonius: Silk & Spirituality

Gimmie Jo doesn’t let any grass grow under her feet. She wears many hats and great fashionable clothes. She is a wife, mother, district director for K-state research & extension, barrel racer, and cowgirl preacher.

In this episode, we dive into barrel racing and how she feels the one rein stops have helped her build confidence with her young horses. We get a look into her fitness journey, along with her cowboy ministry. She talks about growing up thinking God was like “elf on the shelf” where he was always watching from above, waiting for you to mess up. But as she grew older and developed her relationship with God, she realized He was a very loving father, always present, picking you up when you fell down, and carrying you through your worst days!

If you get a chance to catch her cowboy church service at a barrel race in central Nebraska, you won’t be disappointed.

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